What are mongoa, mongos, mongoc?

Hello, can someone tell us what the following are:

mongoa as in /etc/mongodb/mongoa.conf; this is a process that runs with mongodb; what is standard port?
mongos as in /etc/mongodb/mongos.conf; this is a process that runs with mongodb; what is standard port?
mongoc as in /etc/mongodb/mongoc.conf; this is a process that runs with mongodb; what is standard port?

For example, mongod is standard db process and runs on port 27017.

Not able to find definitions on mongodb or web.


Welcome to the community @geo_dezix!

The information you are looking for can be found in the documentation under:

mongoa as in /etc/mongodb/mongoa.conf; this is a process that runs with mongodb; what is standard port?

mongoc as in /etc/mongodb/mongoc.conf; this is a process that runs with mongodb; what is standard port?

These are not standard MongoDB binaries or naming conventions. If you find them on a local deployment, I assume an administrator probably copied or aliased the mongod binary to mongoa (to suggest a role as a replica set arbiter) and mongoc (to suggest a role as a sharded cluster config server).

Try running those binaries with --version. If the output starts with “db version v” followed by JSON Build Info, it is likely those are actually mongod binaries.


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