Performance bottleneck in bulk insertion (Java)


Server specs

Processors: 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.50GHz
Memory: 8GB RDIMM, 1333 MH (Total 32Gb RAM)
Network Card Speed: Broadcom 5720 QP 1Gb Network Daughter Card
Operating System: Core OS
MongoDB Server Version: 3.6.2 (Docker hosted)

Client specs

Processors: Intel Core i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8CPUs). ~3.1GHz
Memory: 16GB RAM
Network Card: Intel® Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V, 1Gb
Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise

Average data transfer rate

The avg data transfer rate between the client and server is ~90 MB/s

Sample code

public static void bulkInsert2() {
        MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
                .applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString("mongodb://"))
        MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(settings);
        WriteConcern wc = new WriteConcern(0).withJournal(false);
        String databaseName = "test";
        String collectionName = "testCollection";
        System.out.println("Database: " + databaseName);
        System.out.println("Collection: " + collectionName);
        System.out.println("Write concern: " + wc);
        MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(collectionName).withWriteConcern(wc);
        int rows = 1000000;
        int iterations = 5;
        int batchSize = 1000;
        double accTime = 0;
        for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++) {
            List<InsertOneModel<Document>> docs = new ArrayList<>();
            int batch = 0;
            long totalTime = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                String key1 = "7";
                String key2 = "8395829";
                String key3 = "928749";
                String key4 = "9";
                String key5 = "28";
                String key6 = "44923.59";
                String key7 = "0.094";
                String key8 = "0.29";
                String key9 = "e";
                String key10 = "r";
                String key11 = "2020-03-16";
                String key12 = "2020-03-16";
                String key13 = "2020-03-16";
                String key14 = "klajdlfaijdliffna";
                String key15 = "933490";
                String key17 = "paorgpaomrgpoapmgmmpagm";
                Document doc = new Document("key17", key17).append("key12", key12).append("key7", key7)
                        .append("key6", key6).append("key4", key4).append("key10", key10).append("key1", key1)
                        .append("key2", key2).append("key5", key5).append("key13", key13).append("key9", key9)
                        .append("key11", key11).append("key14", key14).append("key15", key15).append("key3", key3)
                        .append("key8", key8);
                docs.add(new InsertOneModel<>(doc));
                if (batch >= batchSize) {
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
                    batch = 0;
            if (batch > 0) {
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
            accTime += totalTime;
            System.out.println("Iteration " + it + " - Elapsed: " + (totalTime / 1000.0) + " seconds.");
        System.out.println("Avg: " + ((accTime / 1000.0) / iterations) + " seconds.");


Inserting 1 million documents (See the sample document section) using bulk write, the performance starts to degrade when I use a batch size larger than 1000. The following is the execution times of the sample code using different batch sizes.

batch size 1000
Iteration 0 - Elapsed: 6.577 seconds.
Iteration 1 - Elapsed: 6.52 seconds.
Iteration 2 - Elapsed: 6.156 seconds.
Iteration 3 - Elapsed: 6.859 seconds.
Iteration 4 - Elapsed: 6.152 seconds.
Avg: 6.452800000000001 seconds.

batch size 5000
Iteration 0 - Elapsed: 7.112 seconds.
Iteration 1 - Elapsed: 6.662 seconds.
Iteration 2 - Elapsed: 6.457 seconds.
Iteration 3 - Elapsed: 6.551 seconds.
Iteration 4 - Elapsed: 6.211 seconds.
Avg: 6.5986 seconds.

batch size 10000
Iteration 0 - Elapsed: 8.049 seconds.
Iteration 1 - Elapsed: 7.528 seconds.
Iteration 2 - Elapsed: 7.664 seconds.
Iteration 3 - Elapsed: 7.462 seconds.
Iteration 4 - Elapsed: 7.396 seconds.
Avg: 7.6198 seconds.

Is this the expected outcome in relation to batch sizes ? Can someone explain why does using larger batch sizes causes the performance to degrade in this case ?

Sample document

        "_id" : ObjectId("5f3c2db34063366c39177e64"),
        "key17" : "paorgpaomrgpoapmgmmpagm",
        "key12" : "2020-03-16",
        "key7" : "0.094",
        "key6" : "44923.59",
        "key4" : "9",
        "key10" : "r",
        "key1" : "7",
        "key2" : "8395829",
        "key5" : "28",
        "key13" : "2020-03-16",
        "key9" : "e",
        "key11" : "2020-03-16",
        "key14" : "klajdlfaijdliffna",
        "key15" : "933490",
        "key3" : "928749",
        "key8" : "0.29"

Hi @Aziz_Zitouni,

I’ve noticed you are using a write concern of 0 with no journal. I believe that you done it to gain max throughput.

However, when you do that you probably cause the server to be overwhelmed as the ack comes before the server processes anything. Not sure what this test tries to achieve.

If you have secondaries performance may be worse as the lag cause cache pressure on the majority commit point maintenance.

Therefore, if you push more workload to the database at once you get it more overwhelmed and stressed. This explains why smaller batches allow “better” performance as it gives the database more space to breath as there are 10 times more roundtrips than with 10k.

Also the 3.6.2 is a pretty old version with lots of revisions released since then with many performance improvements. I would not test performance on this version what so ever ( always use latest for testing 3.6.19)


Hi @Pavel_Duchovny,

Thanks for the explanation. It makes more sense to me now. I have verified the performance against newer versions of MongoDB. The execution results with batch size 1000 for 3.6.19 and 4.2.8 are as follows:


Iteration 0 - Elapsed: 7.11 seconds.
Iteration 1 - Elapsed: 6.878 seconds.
Iteration 2 - Elapsed: 7.173 seconds.
Iteration 3 - Elapsed: 7.152 seconds.
Iteration 4 - Elapsed: 6.935 seconds.
Iteration 5 - Elapsed: 7.341 seconds.
Iteration 6 - Elapsed: 7.238 seconds.
Iteration 7 - Elapsed: 7.793 seconds.
Iteration 8 - Elapsed: 6.753 seconds.
Iteration 9 - Elapsed: 6.862 seconds.
Avg: 7.1235 seconds.


Iteration 0 - Elapsed: 7.0 seconds.
Iteration 1 - Elapsed: 6.022 seconds.
Iteration 2 - Elapsed: 7.878 seconds.
Iteration 3 - Elapsed: 5.978 seconds.
Iteration 4 - Elapsed: 6.207 seconds.
Iteration 5 - Elapsed: 6.31 seconds.
Iteration 6 - Elapsed: 7.098 seconds.
Iteration 7 - Elapsed: 6.23 seconds.
Iteration 8 - Elapsed: 6.284 seconds.
Iteration 9 - Elapsed: 6.648 seconds.
Avg: 6.5655 seconds.

The performance on 4.2.8 seems a bit slower than 3.6.19 for some reason. Could it be due to a new feature in 4.2 ? Note that I am using MongoDB java driver 3.12.7 and the servers are plain docker containers created from the images in Docker.


Hi @Aziz_Zitouni,

There are many factors that can impact testing results, some of those is the test scenarios themselves.

Have you changed the journal and wc behaviour?

There are some known areas where performance could be impacted by the additional mechanics in future versions as they support more complex logic like transactions/retrayble reads and others.


Hi @Pavel_Duchovny,

I have tried running the same tests with wc set to 1 and journal set to false. I’m seeing the same behavior in relation to the scalability.

So, are there options related to the new features you mentioned in MongoDB 4.2 and above that can be tweaked to improve the write performance ?


Hi @Aziz_Zitouni,

I will recommend testing with W: 1 and journal true. Working with w:0 and journal false is not recommended and should not be used in production.

Best regards,

Hi @Pavel_Duchovny,

The best performance I was able to achieve with W: 1 and J: true to insert 1M documents is ~17 seconds on average with a batch size of 50000.
The performance starts to degrade when I use batches larger than 50k but I believe it’s due to the additional round trips required when sub batches are created and sent to MongoDB to overcome the maximum size of the bulk operation. So, assuming we have a single MongoDB instance with no secondaries, Is it safe to say that the optimal way to insert 1M in this case is using bulk write with a batch size of 1000 and write concern of 0 or does it depend on other factors ?


Hi @Aziz_Zitouni,

If you don’t care that your data will get lost or corrupted along the way then yes.

As long as you understand this risk (no durability gurantee and a single node).


Thanks for your help with this @Pavel_Duchovny. I don’t have further questions.



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