I've started a "Building Real World Apps with MongoDb Aggregation Framework" Series

Hello Mongo-maniacs

For lack of a better place I’ll post it here.

I’d like to announce that I’ve started a “Build real world applications” series use MongoDB, Nodejs, ExpressJS and other Javascript technologies.

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Here are the currently published articles on using MongDB to interact with the Database.
I have a new tip going up very day.

MongoDB: Inserting Data - Series #08

MongoDB: Connect to the Mongo Driver - Series #07

MongoDB - insert embedded documents - series #06

NodeJS, MongoDB - “OR” queries - series #05

NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB - Paginate - series #04

NodeJS, ExpressJS, Redis, MongoDB - series #03

MongoDB - Aggregation Framework - series #02

MongoDB - Aggregation Framework - series #01