GraphQL Schema validation error message doesn't make sense

This is the error I got from a recent GQL mutation I’m trying to get working:

“reason=“role "non-owner" in "Db.Collection" does not have update permission for document with _id: ObjectID("5f62c86ddafd4b5d2bfc411b"): could not validate document: \n\tpriceMax: Invalid type. Expected: type: undefined, bsonType: decimal, given: [string]\n\tpriceMin: Invalid type. Expected: type: undefined, bsonType: decimal, given: [string]”; code=“SchemaValidationFailedWrite”; untrusted=“update not permitted”; details=map

But this is the payload I am sending:
variables: {query: {lookupId: "5f62c86c7ad07eaf72d7667d"}, set: {priceMin: 115, priceMax: 400}}

So what is it talking about with [string] ? That doesn’t make any sense. Clearly I am sending a int. Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance guys!


Hey @Lukas_deConantseszn1 - can you give more details about what your graphQL schema looks like and a code snippet of your query (whether it’s from GraphiQL or the client)

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