Error on a list of 0 elements

Property ModelM.plazoS is declared as Array, which is not a supported managed Object property type. If it is not supposed to be a managed property, either add it to ignoredProperties() or do not declare it as @objc dynamic. See Object Class Reference for more information.

And ModelM is declared as

import Foundation
import RealmSwift

public class ModelMatriz:Object {
    dynamic private var min = RealmOptional<Float>()
    dynamic private var max = RealmOptional<Float>()
    @objc dynamic private var plazoS:[String] = []

I got that error from this piece of code (last line is the one from the quote above)

return getNonIgnoredMirrorChildren(for: object).compactMap { prop in
            guard let label = prop.label else { return nil }
            var rawValue = prop.value
            if let value = rawValue as? RealmEnum {
                rawValue = type(of: value)._rlmToRawValue(value)

            guard let value = rawValue as? _ManagedPropertyType else {
                if class_getProperty(cls, label) != nil {
                    throwRealmException("Property \(cls).\(label) is dec..."

But plazoS should be managed by Realm, and there are other members that are also [String]and they seem to work correctly.

so I used lldb and got this:

(lldb) po rawValue 
0 elements

(lldb) print rawValue 
([String]) $R12 = 0 values {}

You can’t store an array of strings in Realm as a managed object. It’s not supported. There are a number of solutions

Option 1: Store the String in a list property

public class ModelMatriz:Object {
    dynamic private var min = RealmOptional<Float>()
    dynamic private var max = RealmOptional<Float>()
    let plazoS = List<String>()

however - and this may be very important

Note that querying List’s containing primitive values is currently not supported.

Option 2: A better solution is to create a managed realm object that contains a string proprety

class PlazosClass: Object {
   @objc dynamic var someString = ""

public class ModelMatriz:Object {
    dynamic private var min = RealmOptional<Float>()
    dynamic private var max = RealmOptional<Float>()
    let plazoS = List< PlazosClass >()

Oh, if you want min and max to be managed you’ll need to add @objc to those vars

@objc dynamic private var min = RealmOptional<Float>()
@objc dynamic private var max = RealmOptional<Float>()

Yes, it was this, I put everywhere List, but the problem with this is that it was breaking with an exception and no print on debugger terminal (even thought I think exceptions have strings that describe them).

You should add a breakpoint in your code and step through it line by line, examining the code flow and your vars along the way. When something doesn’t perform as expected - for example a var being nil when it should have had a string, you can then troubleshoot from there.

Oh yeah, for sure I know how to debug even cryptic things :slight_smile: but as I have said, here is what I needed to do to track down where… but as I have said the console didnt print the real source of the error like “put List instead of array” or something more helpful that doesnt require “debug skillz”

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