Charts: Can't connect to Stitch Server at http://localhost:8080

I am running mongo(mongo:4.0.4) and trying to connect mongo charts (Quay)
on Kubernetes cluster
this is the log for charts-cli.log

2020-06-08T16:07:13.169+00:00 INFO  called charts-cli startup with arguments {"_":["startup"],"debug":false,"help":false,"version":false,"with-test-facilities":false,"withTestFacilities":false,"d":"/mongodb-charts","directory":"/mongodb-charts","$0":"mongodb-charts/bin/charts-cli.js"} 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.175+00:00 INFO  parsedArgs task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.178+00:00 INFO  installDir task success ('/mongodb-charts') 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.266+00:00 INFO  log task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.266+00:00 INFO  salt task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.269+00:00 INFO  productNameAndVersion task success ({ productName: 'MongoDB Charts Frontend', version: '1.9.1' }) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.270+00:00 INFO  gitHash task success ('1a46f17f') 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.270+00:00 INFO  supportWidgetAndMetrics task success (undefined) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.270+00:00 INFO  tileServer task success (undefined) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.270+00:00 INFO  tileAttributionMessage task success (undefined) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.270+00:00 INFO  rawFeatureFlags task success (undefined) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.272+00:00 INFO  chartsMongoDBUri task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.273+00:00 INFO  encryptionKeyPath task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.275+00:00 INFO  featureFlags task success ({}) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.470+00:00 INFO  waiting for MongoDB, attempt #1 to connect to MongoDB at mongodb://mongo-svc.dldorg-ns:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs0. 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.773+00:00 INFO  lastAppJson task success ({}) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.773+00:00 INFO  existingInstallation task success (false) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.775+00:00 INFO  tenantId task success ('5cb34aef-07c0-4413-8090-c75823681978') 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.866+00:00 INFO  tokens task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.867+00:00 INFO  stitchMigrationsLog task success ({ completedStitchMigrations:   [ 'stitch-1332',     'stitch-1897',     'stitch-2041',     'migrateStitchProductFlag',     'stitch-2041-local',     'stitch-2046-local',     'stitch-2055',     'multiregion',     'dropStitchLogLogIndexStarted' ] }) 
2020-06-08T16:07:13.868+00:00 INFO  stitchConfigTemplate task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:13.870+00:00 INFO  libMongoIsInPath task success (true) 
2020-06-08T16:07:14.567+00:00 INFO  waiting for MongoDB, successfully connected to MongoDB at mongodb://mongo-svc.mongo-ns:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs0 after 1 attempts. 
2020-06-08T16:07:14.570+00:00 INFO  mongoDBReachable task success (true) 
2020-06-08T16:07:14.675+00:00 INFO  stitchMigrationsExecuted task success ([ 'stitch-1332',  'stitch-1897',  'stitch-2041',  'migrateStitchProductFlag',  'stitch-2041-local',  'stitch-2046-local',  'stitch-2055',  'multiregion',  'dropStitchLogLogIndexStarted' ]) 
2020-06-08T16:07:14.783+00:00 INFO  minimumVersionRequirement task success (true) 
2020-06-08T16:07:14.785+00:00 INFO  stitchConfig task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:14.868+00:00 INFO  stitchConfigWritten task success (true) 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.071+00:00 INFO  stitchChildProcess task success  
2020-06-08T16:07:15.269+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #1 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.468+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #1 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.472+00:00 INFO  indexesCreated task success (true) 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.569+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #2 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.571+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #2 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.772+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #3 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:15.773+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #3 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:16.074+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #4 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:16.167+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #4 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:16.667+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #5 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:16.668+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #5 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:17.469+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #6 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:17.567+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #6 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:18.868+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #7 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:18.871+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #7 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:21.066+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #8 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:21.068+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #8 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:23.169+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #9 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:23.267+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #9 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:25.367+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #10 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:25.467+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #10 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:27.568+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #11 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:27.666+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #11 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:29.766+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #12 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:29.768+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #12 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:31.869+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #13 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:31.870+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #13 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:33.972+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #14 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:33.973+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #14 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:36.166+00:00 INFO  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #15 to connect to Stitch server at http://localhost:8080. 
2020-06-08T16:07:36.168+00:00 WARN  waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #15 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:36.168+00:00 ERROR stitchServerRunning task failure: Can't connect to Stitch Server at http://localhost:8080. Too many failed attempts. Last error: connect ECONNREFUSED 
2020-06-08T16:07:36.267+00:00 ERROR startup failed 

the file stitch-startup.log is empty

any help is much appreciated.

Hi @Amit_Patel -

We don’t support Charts on Kubernetes - while it can be made to work, we don’t have experience with this setup so I’m not sure what’s wrong. You could look at this sample template to see if it’s of any help.


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