Verify Corrrectness of Domain Names in TLS Certificates

Hi Team,

I’ve deployed MongoDB Kubernetes Operator v1.9.2 and Ops-Manager v4.4.7 and a MongoDB Database v4.4.0 in Kubernetes Cluster.

I’m trying to secure the MongoDB Database deployment with TLS using:

I’ve my own TLS certificates whose DNS is
those are the Domain names or the Common Names of the Certificates.

But here in Documentation It is mentioned like the TLS certificate “For each replica set or sharded cluster member, the Common Name, also known as the Domain Name, for that member’s certificate must match the FQDN of the POD on which this cluster member is deployed.”

But in my case my Organization is having different criteria for TLS certificates and not allowing to generate Certificates from the FQDN of the pod.

Can you please Help me whether there is any option to use my Organizations generated Certs or any other way to overcome this Issue.

Wile using my Organizations Certs I’m getting the error message like

{“logType”:“automation-agent-verbose”,“contents”:“[2021-04-27T10:17:45.396+0000] [.warn] [cm/mongoclientservice/mongoclientservice.go:logCertificateErrorIfNeeded:1228] [10:17:45.396] encountered a certificate issue trying to connect to testing-0.testing-svc.mongodb-dev.svc.cluster.local:27017 (local=false) via TLS : [10:17:45.396] TLS attempt failed : x509: certificate is valid for, not testing-0.testing-svc.mongodb-dev.svc.cluster.local”}