Update same elements from differents array into same document

Hello ! I have a document as such :

"title":"Alarme Web Mobile",
"licence":"Licence 2",
"stateProject":"En cours",
"description":"Icici bonjour vidifszkfghsdlkfhgdsfhgkjldsfhjgdfnn le tan in",
                          {"name":"Philippe Bulot","_collab":{"$oid":"60578f742edbff32ee8f1c33"}}
                     {"name":"Leslie Duciel","_collab":{"$oid":"60578fe82edbff32ee8f1c34"}},
                    {"name":"Philippe Bulot","_collab":{"$oid":"60578f742edbff32ee8f1c33"}}

I’d like to remove the object from all nameCollabPeople that match a filter, here a name. Like so :


But it does not work…
I found out how remove on object in one job document matching the type propertie and the name of the subdocument. But not all matching the name…

Could someone help me ?

Hi Preney
To update all the elements of an array use $[] instead of $

Let us know if it works

Hi !
Yes I finaly used $ instead and it worked in deed, after numerous of trials :smiley: !!!
I can go to bed without overthinking ! ^^

But Thank you for your answer anyway !!


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Have a good night

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