Update elements in a list with list of values

I want to update the single document in collection with the guid as filter and update value is cityType. Every guid has different citytype here i have used 3 types it may be more.
So please give a right implementation using c# code.


public class Country
        public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
		public int CountryId {get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<States> States { get; set; }
	public class States
        public Guid Guid { get; set; }
        public CityType CityType { get; set; }
	Enum CityType
	  Unknown = 0,
	  Rural = 1,
	  Urban = 2

Existing Collection:

    "_id": ObjectId("6903ea4d2df0c5659334e763"),
	"CountryId": 200,
    "States": [
        "Guid": "AFCC4BE7-7585-5E46-A639-52F0537895D8",
        "CityType": 0,
        "Guid": "208FB603-08C7-46D9-B0C0-7AF4F691A96D",
        "CityType": 0,


        new States()
           Guid = "AFCC4BE7-7585-5E46-A639-52F0537895D8",
           CityType = CityType.Rural
		new States()
           Guid = "208FB603-08C7-46D9-B0C0-7AF4F691A96D",
           CityType = CityType.Urban


    "_id": ObjectId("6903ea4d2df0c5659334e763"),
	"CountryId": 200,
    "States": [
        "Guid": "AFCC4BE7-7585-5E46-A639-52F0537895D8",
        "CityType": 1,
        "Guid": "208FB603-08C7-46D9-B0C0-7AF4F691A96D",
        "CityType": 2,

This is the method I have tried:

public async Task<bool> UpdateType(int countryId, IEnumerable<States> states)
         var collection = connectionFactory.GetCollection<Country>(collectionName);

         var cityTypes = states.Select(x => x.CityType);
         var filter = Builders<Country>.Filter.Empty;
         var update = Builders<Country>.Update.Set("States.$[edit].CityType", cityTypes);

         var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>();

         foreach (var state in states)
            ArrayFilterDefinition<Country> optionsFilter = new BsonDocument("state.Guid", new BsonDocument("$eq", state.Guid));

         var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };

         var result = await collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update, updateOptions);
         return result;

hope all details I have added here. Thanks in advance.

I have also posted this on Stack Overflow: .net - Mongodb C# Update element in an multiple array with multiple values - Stack Overflow