[Swift] Getting duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 error


I am getting this error while using realm on my swift project.
After i installed SwipeCellKit pod on it when i tried to compile, i get this error at build time:

Captura de Tela 2020-06-08 às 19.26.15

Searched for some topics on stackoverflow but only found about react native.
I checked the Build Phases area for some default checks i found on google but there is no duplicated files:

Is this a normal error? Realm was compiling fine with the other pod, then suddenly started to give me this error.

I think i resolved my problem, based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24298144/duplicate-symbols-for-architecture-x86-64-under-xcode

I deleted my Pods folder then made another pod install, using same xcode version either on podfile, same realm version. Without SwipeCellKit implementation on code is not presenting problems anymore. I really dont know how issue started, but i guess it is working fine now.

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