SUbmitted lab exam on time but says I failed the test cause I didn't submit

Hello everyone!

So I had turned in my lab exam quizzes on time and got them all correct as well but I got a failed grade for some reason

When was the last date?
May be you missed the deadline
The end dates/timing are in UTC.If you miss this deadline it will show as fail
Check overview and left side explorer (class course items) if anything got missed

Could you show us a screenshot of the Course Overview? It should have bar graphs for your scores, which should clarify things.

Hi Ashketh_08577,

I believe this is because you have multiple accounts. As I replied there also, I have forwarded the concern.

Please wait for some time.


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Hi Ashketh_08577,

Following up on the thread, you need to email the request on “”. As its easy to take follow-ups and have a proper communication with University and you! :slight_smile:

Please include email-ids for both the accounts and reason why you want to delete any of the account.

Let me know if you need help.


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Also, I would suggest that you email the request from BOTH of these addresses, to make sure you’re not trying to take over or close someone else’s account :smiley: