Stitch 503 exceeded","error_code":"ExecutionTimeLimit Exceeded"

Welcome everyone,
I post this here just in case someone already encountered this issue before asking help from mongo team.
We use google spreadsheet script to send data to mongodb using stitch as a middle-man.
The spreadsheet is 650 lines long with three columns, half-way across this is the error that we get :

{"error":"execution time limit exceeded","error_code":"ExecutionTimeLimitExceeded

Would any have a clue on how to solve this ?

Hey, having a similar problem, in the official documentation it says that “Function runtime is limited to 90 seconds”.
That’s most probably the reason we’re getting that error.
Hope there’s a way to bypass that limitation somehow.

Hi @Ray_Remnant,
Official reply is no way to bypass this limitation,
Switching back to excel and local loading to avoid further errors,

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