Search through several collections -> result in one array

Hey everyone, I want to search through several collections on Mongo Realm and output the result in an array. I used the following function:

exports = function(amounts, colls){
  const query = { "amount": { $all: amounts } };
  const projection = { "name": 1 };
  // Accessing a mongodb service:
  var db ="mongodb-atlas").db("App");
  var doc = [];

  var i;
  for(i of colls){

  // return the names 
  return doc;

With exports([“e”, “b”, “z”, “m”], [“CollA”, “CollB”]) in the console I get arrays in an array:



How do I have to change the code to get only one array like below? So far all my attempts have failed.


Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @Axel_Ligon,

Have you tried using concat instead of push:

var i;
  for(i of colls){


Yes, I did. I get a response in the console:
> result:

> result (JavaScript):

Hi @Axel_Ligon,

Sorry my mistake in the code. You will need to use an Async approach that worked for me:

exports = async function(amounts, colls){
  const query = { "amount": { $all: amounts } };
  const projection = { "name": 1 };
  // Accessing a mongodb service:
  var db ="mongodb-atlas").db("App");
  var doc = [];

  var i;
  for(i of colls){
   doc = doc.concat(await db.collection(i).find(query,projection).toArray());

  // return the names 
  return doc;


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Test was successful. :grinning:
The combination of “async function(…)” and “doc = doc.concat(await …)” was the solution.

Thanks for your help.

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