MongoDB raspberry pi 4 docker image?

I want to setup a raspberry pi 4 as a MongoDB server.
The latest official mongoDB docker image does not support the raspberry pi 4 arhitecture.
Is there any docker image you would recommend I should use?
(The one I found available and working was 2.4.0 version, I would prefer to work with a more newer version, mostly because I’m just starting to work with this.)
**Note that I’m a starter in docker, mongodb, raspberry.

Welcome to the community @Emil_Marian_Pasca!

What O/S version are you running on your Pi 4? WiredTiger, the default storage engine since MongoDB 3.2, requires a 64-bit O/S.

Given the Pi has limited resources I would be inclined to install packages directly rather than using Docker.

As an alternative to installing a MongoDB server on your Pi, you could also consider using the MongoDB Atlas free tier to get started quickly.



Thanks for your suggestions, my specs are:
Linux piOne 4.19.75-v7l+ BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster

I’ve switch to the MongoDB Atlass free tier, which suits my current needs, as I’m just following the MongoDB university lessons.
However, I like to have a local sandbox for testing purposes on my raspberry pi, docker helps me keep the OS clean and easy to manage, I would probably consider installing it directly if my project requires this.

I have just figured out that I am running a 32 bit O/S. So this is probably the reason I could not install a later version of MongoDB.

Hi Emil,

A 64-bit distro is definitely required. I believe Raspian is remaining 32-bit for the foreseeable future, but you might want to look into Ubuntu for Pi.

I don’t have a Pi 4 to confirm the installation, but Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on ARM64 is a supported platform for MongoDB 4.2.


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