MongoDB 4.2.6 is released

MongoDB 4.2.6 is out and is ready for production deployment. This release contains only fixes since 4.2.5, and is a recommended upgrade for all 4.2 users.

Fixed in this release:

  • SERVER-45119 CollectionShardingState::getCurrentShardVersionIfKnown returns collection version instead of shard version
  • SERVER-44892 getShardDistribution should use $collStats agg stage instead of collStats command
  • SERVER-43848 find/update/delete w/o shard key predicate under txn with snapshot read can miss documents
  • SERVER-42827 Allow sessions collection to return OK for creating indexes if at least one shard returns OK and others return CannotImplicitlyCreateCollection

4.2 Release Notes | All Issues | Downloads

As always, please let us know of any issues.

– The MongoDB Team