MongoDB 4.0.19-rc0 is released

MongoDB 4.0.19-rc0 is out and is ready for testing. This is a release candidate containing only fixes since 4.0.18. The next stable release 4.0.19 will be a recommended upgrade for all 4.0 users.
Fixed in this release:

  • SERVER-42525 Single-node replica sets shouldn't wait for electable caught up secondaries during shutdown
  • SERVER-47233 WriteOp can be left in pending state, leading to erroneous NoProgressMade write error from mongos
  • SERVER-46758 setFCV can be interrupted before an FCV change is majority committed and rollback the FCV without running the setFCV server logic
  • SERVER-46487 The mongos routing for scatter/gather ops can have unbounded latency
  • SERVER-42862 Prevent shard refreshes in mergeChunks command from joining earlier refreshes

4.0 Release Notes | All Issues | Downloads

As always, please let us know of any issues.

– The MongoDB Team