
Hi everyone , lately i’ve developed a talend job where i read data from index and apply transformation and store it in another index , my problem is that when my job reaches 100k rows it gives me this error:

MongoCursorNotFoundException: Query failed with error code -5 and error message 'Cursor 65017072099 not found on server

i noticed also that the number of rows read decreases with time before it returns the error!!

Any idea whats wrong?

Hello @Heider, welcome to the MongoDB Community forum.

com.mongodb.MongoCursorNotFoundException definition says just that much - there is no additional information in the API docs. It is more likely that the cursor timed out.

I browsed thru some online posts and they suggest the same. cursorTimeoutMillis is the Server Parameter that can be used to set the cursor timeout threshold. Increasing the value is likely to solve the issue.

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