Lets Play a Game! - MongoDB Scavenger Hunt #4

Let’s play a game!

It’s time for week four in our series of MongoDB Online Scavenger Hunts. Answer a series of 10 clues by visiting MongoDB resources including our blog, forums, documentation and more and learn about these resources while earning some awesome rewards!

Each participant who completes a single scavenger hunt will earn:

  • A MongoDB sticker pack
  • The “Internet Detective” badge on the MongoDB Community forum

Each Monday we will post a new set of clues giving you the chance to earn additional badges and other rewards.

We will soon be announcing additional rewards for completing multiple scavenger hunts with a special reward for those who complete all our weekly scavenger hunts this spring and summer.

Every scavenger hunt will run from Monday until 5pm US Eastern time on Friday.

Have an idea for a clue or question that should be included? Let us know!

MongoDB Online Scavenger Hunt #4


Week 4 Done :grinning: !

I believe there is an error in question 7 @Ryan_Quinn.
We are told to continue with the config of question 6 which is an AWS Cluster in Hong Kong (ap-east-1).
The answer corresponds to an AWS M10 Cluster in N. Virginia (us-east-1). This is the default region and the price is different.

Apart from that, it’s nice to do :+1:

Thanks. Looking at question 7, while some aspects of the plans vary between regions the “Cloud Provider Snapshots” pricing shown for AWS is listed at the same price in both regions mentioned. The Cloud Provider Snapshots section is listed by provider rather than region and is shown even before you select options in the calculator.

You should check the 2nd’s clue entry validation rule because it’s revealing the right answer. :innocent:

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The clue says “The MongoDB Atlas site includes a price calculator

Ah ! I was looking at the wrong place. Thank you ! :+1:

The calculator doesn’t have the same prices as when you create a cluster directly in Atlas !

MongoDB Online Scavenger Hunt #4 is complete!