Lab 1.7 - coast of Cancun / Isla Mujeres, Mexico

How can I find coast of Cancun / Isla Mujeres, Mexico on the map ?


above the belize


In my case the Compass didn’t show the map view

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Most likely you are not using stable version of compass
There are limitations in community edition

Please check

In my case, I opened Google Maps and compared the coasts of Mexico until I found the approximate UNMARKED location on the Compass map.

When the exercise doesn’t SHOW the actual location that we’re sent to find, that’s a badly formulated lesson.

We’re not learning geography here, but how to manipulate a database.

Hi I have the same problem, I don’t have the MAP view as it is showed in the course. I only have DOCUMENTS, AGGREGATIONS, EXPLAIN PLAN, INDEXES views and I don’t know hot to get the correct answer for the Lab.

What can I do ?

I have no idea - in fact, someone from MongoDB can answer. I was unable to do the associated lab due to the same reason. I tried a lot to see if we can toggle the view but I couldn’t find an option


Hi Everyone,

Please install the COMPASS STABLE VERSION from MongoDB Compass Download | MongoDB.



Ok, done, it works



Gianluca Sinibaldi

Account mgr

Lynx S.p.A.

P.le Giulio Douhet,5 - 00143 Roma

Ufficio: +39 02 2365534

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Did you change the privacy setting and checked the 3rd party use for geo data


No, but after you comment I found it under the Help menu (weird). However, after turning it on, I’m able to see the map view.
