Index on the Time Series collection structure


we are in process to store historical time series data (millions of rows) for Reuters ric. we are following " Scenario 3: Size-based bucketing" as per MongoDB's New Time Series Collections | MongoDB. We are storing 1000 quotes per document .

The structure of upsert query will be as following.

	$inc :{nquotes:NumberInt(1)}
	$inc :{nquotes:NumberInt(1)}
	$inc :{nquotes:NumberInt(1)}

Based on recommendation of article we have created composite index on ({ric:1,utc_date:1,nquotes:1}) which is perfectly fine for “upsert” operation.

But during the query time we are expected to query data using also “ric”,“utc_date”,“first_quote” and “last_quote”. So far we have created composite index on “ric,utc_date,nquotes”.

What would be the suggestion to create index if we are querying data using “ric”,“utc_date”,“first_quote” and “last_quote” ? Since we are processing millions of rows , we need to consider performance and required space for any additional index.

here is example read query

        "$and" : [
                "ric" : "CLV0-X0"
                "utc_date" : ISODate("2020-08-03T00:00:00.000+0000")
                "quote_first" : { 
                    "$gte" : NumberLong(1596493635301)
                "quote_first" : { 
                    "$lte" : NumberLong(1596499142016)
                "quote_last" : { 
                    "$lte" : NumberLong(1596499197995)
        "ric" : 1.0, 
        "utc_date" : 1.0, 
        "quote_first" : 1.0, 
        "quote_last" : 1.0,
         "quotes" : 1.0
        "utc_date" : 1.0,"quote_first" : 1.0

Thanks for looking into this.

Hi @Dhruvesh_Patel,

Index field order can be initially determine using Equility Sort Range order. Recommend reading more here:

The equility fields in your query is ric and utc_date while range is qoute_first and qoute_last.

So optimal index could be:

{ ric: 1, utc_date : 1, qoute_first : 1, qoute_last : 1 }
