How to shard a collection in MongoDB Atlas GUI

I am looking for steps to setup and test a sharded colleciton in MongoDB Atlas but not able to find the correct steps. It seems it needs to be done using a mix of GUI and command options. The steps mentioned on this page are not correct.

Click the Global Writes tab.z

Can anyone help with the steps to shard a collection. Not using the command line but from Atlas console.

Hi @Juned_Ahsan,

The steps presented with GUI are only relevant if you deployed a “Global Sharded Cluster” and not just any sharded cluster.

If you have a standard 1 region Sharded Cluster you need to use the mongo shell to shard collections:

Best regards

Thanks Pavel. Any plans to bring those features on GUI?

Hi @Juned_Ahsan,

Not sure if this will become available anytime soon.

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