How to see consecutive visited days in mongodb forum?

I can see the visited days count in my profile summary but i am not sure where i can see consecutive visited days.

If it is not available then i would suggest it would help me or others to challenge my self to visit forum and participate in topics everyday.

Thank you.

Hi @turivishal,

Thank you for the suggestion! Consecutive login days aren’t displayed in your profile at the moment but there are badges to earn if you want to challenge yourself:

Badge calculations run on a periodic schedule, but I agree it might be nice to have some indication of progress. Unfortunately this detail won’t help you remember to login, so you really need to form a daily habit.

So far your longest login streak was 87 days, but you missed logging in on 2021-02-18 and then 2021-02-20. Your current consecutive login days start from 2021-02-21.


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Thank you for your reply, that is really make sense,

When will day start and day end, is it calculate as per my selected timezone in my profile?

Hi @turivishal,

The day start and end is calculated based on the server timezone (which is set to UTC), but for practical purposes there just needs to be at least one valid authenticated request every 24 hours.


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