How remove/delete user account for webSDK

Hi there,
I could not find documentation for how to remove user by webSDK. Lets say a user wants to DELETE his/her user account. is there a realm function for this? Kindly tell me a safe right way of doing this.

Notice I dont mean deleting the user form Realm UI. I know this.

Kind regards,
Behzad Pashaie


Dear @Rasvan_Andrei_Dumitr you have replied as the question is solved. Please remove the solved tag.

Dear @Behzad_Pashaie I have deleted my reply but it will take 24h.

Excelent question, by the way!

Best Regards

Thanks dear @Rasvan_Andrei_Dumitr. Yes this is actually a major issue specially regarding GDPR. Hope fully we get an answer soon :slight_smile:

A user does not have the privilege to delete their user via the user-facing API, but you could setup a function that deletes the user via the Realm Admin API. This way you can ensure that any documents “owned” by that user is also being properly deleted.

Hi @kraenhansen :slight_smile:,
Thanks for the solution. I work on this approach.

Kind regards, Behzad

Dear @Rasvan_Andrei_Dumitr :slight_smile: :point_up_2: some solution is here

Dear @kraenhansen ,
related to the same issue. Can you kindly say what is the difference between apiKey generated from Project Access manager & apiKey generated from Organisation Access manger?
And Which of them should be user to generate and API key to use the API for deleting user ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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