🌱 Hi, I'm Asya, I'm a MongoDB KnowItAll!

I’m Asya, I work at MongoDB.

I’ve been at MongoDB since early 2012 and have had many roles, all technical, all user facing.

I’m like TRON, I fight for the user.


Here are the things I hope to learn from these community forums:

  • what talks do people want to see more of at MongoDB events. Should we have:
    • more basic/beginner talks or more advanced talks
    • more talks about general development concepts or about MongoDB specifically?
  • where our docs/blogs/examples might not be as clear as you hope

This is a smaller subset of the users, but could there be more details on mongosqld configuration

There is not a lot of details on the memory options and how they work or recommended ways to plan/adjust accordingly.

thank you


Thanks @nchan let me also ping our docs team.

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