GraphQL Custom QueryInput

I have a need for a new QueryInput:

query {
  authorizationGroup(query: { name: "name" }) {

The problem with the query above is it is a FULL match. I want a partial match. Cool custom resolver:

query {
  authorizationGroup {
		name_contains(input: "admin") {

The problem with this what if I want to combine it with limits and sorts and such. I want to do this:

query {
  authorizationGroup(query: { name_contains: "name*" }) {

Notice that the QueryInput is name_contains and can be combined with all other queryables. I have not seen in the documentation explaining this scenario at all. This seems like it is not possible but maybe I missed something.

Hey Jordan - you’re correct in that querables such as limit and sort are not supported out-of-the-box with custom resolvers due to the extremely flexible nature of the return type. However, that flexibility of custom resolvers also gives you the ability to achieve a similar pattern by including booleans/integers for limit and sort within your query and using those to write your function logic.

Better text search with GraphQL might be a potential improvement here, you can add it to our Uservoice feedback, which we use to influence our roadmap for GraphQL.