Evaluate Access at Every Document Level


I´m using db version 4.2.12.

I’m trying to use the $size and $setIntersection just like in the $redact example on mongo documentation:

$redact: {
        $cond: {
           if: { $gt: [ { $size: { $setIntersection: [ "$tags", userAccess ] } }, 0 ] },
           then: "$$DESCEND",
           else: "$$PRUNE"

but it gives an error "The argument to $size must be an array but was of type null.

I have a Security Object at root level with a string array field inside (just like the example). The Security object is also inside an Embedded array of objects of which I would like to return only the objects that intersect with the Security Object string array. Can you help me please?

My Code:

$redact: {
  $cond: {
    'if': {
      $gt: [
          $size: {
            $setIntersection: [
    then: '$$DESCEND',
    'else': '$$PRUNE'

Document Example:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": ""
  "PXXXXXID": "Lorem",
  "PXXXXXDescription": "Lorem",
  "PXXXXXXXs": [
      "PXXXXXXID": "Lorem",
      "Security": {
        "DXXXXXXX": "Lorem",
        "AccessTeams": [
      "PXXXXXXID": "Lorem",
      "Security": {
        "DXXXXXXX": "Lorem",
        "AccessTeams": [
    "UXXXID": "Lorem",
    "Security": {
      "DXXXXXXX": "Lorem",
      "AccessTeams": [
  "Security": {
    "DXXXXXXX": "Lorem",
    "OwningTeam": "Lorem",
    "AccessTeams": [

Thank you

Hi @Vasco_Pedro,

Looking at the document example the AccessTeams are on level $PXXXXXXXs.Security.AccessTeams , is tgat the same as $Programmes.Security.AccessTeams.

I would recommend to project just Programmes.Security.AccessTeams : 1 and see if some documents produce a null value. If this happens use $ifNull and switch to empty arrays.


After $project test there are no null values on $Programmes.Security.AccessTeams.

But if I try $ifNull like you said:

“Programmes.Security.AccessTeams”: { $ifNull:
["$Programmes.Security.AccessTeams" , ] }

Then AccessTeams shows as an array, of string arrays.

Thank you

@Vasco_Pedro, thanks for the update.

Hope it helped.


Still can’t replicate $redact “$tags” example on mongo documentation.

Neither debug or similar approaches worked.

@Pavel_Duchovny thank you for your reply.
I have one question related to that. If we want to always show one sub-document that doesn’t need the security. How we can do that?

Thank you

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You mean that you don’t want it to be prune?

I guess you can do a nested $cond in the else section to check if its the needed document and prune in case it’s not…


Let try to explain.

I have this document with this structure:

	“Field1”: “P001”,
	“Field2”: “Lorem”,
	“Field3”: “Lorem”,
	“Field4”: [
		“SubField1”: “Lorem”,
		“SubField2”: “Lorem”,
		“SubField3”: “Lorem”,
		“SubField1”: “Lorem”,
		“SubField2”: “Lorem”,
		“SubField3”: “Lorem”,
		“Sub_Field1”: “Lorem”,
		“Sub_Field2”: “Lorem”

Then I have this redact:

	$cond: {
		if: {
			$or: [
				$gt: [
							“$cond”: {
								“if”: {
									“$ifNull”: ["$Security.AccessArray",false]
								“then”: “$Security.AccessArray”,
								“else”: [""]
				}, 0
			{$in: ["$Security.Access", [“Role1”]]}
		then: “$$DESCEND”,
		else: “$$PRUNE”

I want to always show the subDocument “FieldWithoutSecurity”, but with this redact that field it’s never returned.

Any suggestion?

Hi @Alexandre_Barreto,

So I understand that fields without “Security” field will endup in “else” condition of:

“if”: {
									“$ifNull”: ["$Security.AccessArray",false]
								“then”: “$Security.AccessArray”,
								“else”: [""]

But in else you return an empty array which will get Prune. You should return the “filtered” value to allow them to be shown:

[{$redact: {
  $cond: {
    'if': {
      $or: [
          $gt: [
              $size: {
                $setIntersection: [
                    $cond: {
                      'if': {
                        $ifNull: [
                      then: '$Security.AccessArray',
                      'else': ['Role1']

          $in: [
    then: '$$DESCEND',
    'else': '$$PRUNE'

This will result in the desired document I think:

{ _id: 
     { _bsontype: 'ObjectID',
       id: <Buffer 60 2e 41 d4 2e ac 2d bb 54 e2 c4 ab> },
    Field1: 'P001',
    Field2: 'Lorem',
    Field3: 'Lorem',
     [ { SubField1: 'Lorem',
         SubField2: 'Lorem',
         SubField3: 'Lorem',
         Security: { Access: 'Role3', AccessArray: [ 'Role1', 'Role2' ] } },
       { SubField1: 'Lorem',
         SubField2: 'Lorem',
         SubField3: 'Lorem',
         Security: { Access: 'Role3', AccessArray: [ 'Role1', 'Role2' ] } } ],
    FieldWithoutSecurity: { Sub_Field1: 'Lorem', Sub_Field2: 'Lorem' },
    Security: { Access: 'Role3', AccessArray: [ 'Role1', 'Role2' ] } }


2 posts were split to a new topic: Trying to use $redact to do cell level securty