Does it matter if I downloaded the community server instead of enterprise server for MongoDB University Basics course?

I’m doing the Mongo M001 Course (Basics) and I use macOS, and I couldn’t download the enterprise server, instead I downloaded the community server. Everything was fine, I installed mongo shell guided by this Installing MongoDB on Mac (Catalina and non-Catalina) | Zell Liew , then I followed every step of the mongo course to connect the compass, I didn’t receive any warning or error, “PRIMARY>” showed as in the tutorial. But when I typed “show collections” didn’t show anything, it was supposed to show “data”. But then I typed “use video” “show collections” it did show the movies collection. I don’t know why it didn’t show the data collection but did for the videos. I don’t know if it is due to the community server, or so. Please help!!!

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:wave: Hi @Monica_Nava_Palomo and welcome to the community!

It depends how you have connected to the mongodb shell. I assume that you copied the connection string from the class handouts.

mongo "mongodb://,," --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username m001-student --password m001-mongodb-basics

This will connect to the database “test”, there are no collections. just follow the course video at 1:40 min to 3:40 and you will see that you should need to connect to the 100YWeatherŚmall database, there you will find the “data” collection.

The university discussions are not yet part of this forum, as subscriber of the course you can access the University forum discussions here

Just for completeness, the attached link show you the differences between the enterprise vs. community version

Hope that helps


Hi Michael I have changed the db - to 100YWeatherSmall - while I get the command line prompts working, I can not see the database when I move to the next section

mongo “mongodb://,,” --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username m001-student --password m001-mongodb-basics

:wave: Hi @Sumitra_Sastri a further welcome to the community, happy to see you working on m001.

I assume that you work on lectures in m001, chapter 2.
I am not sure what the problem is, you get the command line working and you can connect to Then you move to the next section and you do not see a db which you expect to see?
When you can tell me exactly which section you are working at, I’ll have a look.

May I just put a kind reminder here? As mentioned in the previous posting the university discussions are not yet part of this forum, as subscriber of the course you can access the University forum discussions here - This is the place I’d suggest to ask future questions.

As of your current questions, just let me know where you are and what you expect to see, but you don’t do – I’ll see what I can do.


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Hi Michael, I typed the connection you wrote. And this happened:

Still doesn’t show the data collection, what should I do?

Hi @Monica_Nava_Palomo, I just signed up for the course to see what’s going on and was able to connect to the course servers with the following command:

mongo "mongodb://,," --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username m001-student --password m001-mongodb-basics

From there I typed in show dbs and got the following results:

MongoDB Enterprise Cluster0-shard-0:PRIMARY> show dbs
100YWeatherSmall  0.128GB
admin             0.000GB
aggregations      0.067GB
citibike          0.367GB
city              0.002GB
config            0.016GB
coursera-agg      0.083GB
local             0.940GB
mflix             0.449GB
results           0.000GB
ships             0.001GB
video             0.513GB

Here we can see a list of the the databases available to us, with the one in question: 100YWeatherSmall.

Next you will want to switch into the context of the database

MongoDB Enterprise Cluster0-shard-0:PRIMARY> use 100YWeatherSmall

You should get a confirmation message:

switched to db 100YWeatherSmall

If you use show collections now, you should see your data collction:

MongoDB Enterprise Cluster0-shard-0:PRIMARY> show collections

In the screen shot you provided above, you did use data which means you switched into the context of the data database which does not exist and that is why show collections does not return anything.

As @michael_hoeller has mentioned, asking questions on the MongoDB University forums for the M001 course would be the correct place to ask as that’s where the course admins are looking for questions. You might get answers here, but they will most likely be delayed or not as beneficial unless another student taking the course happens to be around.


It worked! thank you! and sorry

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Hi @Doug_Duncan thank you, good to be in different timezones - so a quick answer is guaranteed :slight_smile:
Cherrs, Michael

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Thanks for getting back to me Michael. I resolved the challenge as the problem was Apple’s privacy and security settings which by default block all apps unless you override the security settings. I have added Compass now to the list of apps that work on overriding Apple’s default settings.


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