Connecting to an Atlas Cluster from mongosh on Windows 7

Hello, I’m on Windows 7 and I can’t use the mongodb shell that the class is suggesting. I spoke with your Customer Support team (Clevy) and they suggested I downloaded the shell that supports Windows 7+.

So, I installed it and tried to connect to my cluster. I was able to log in with the password using the command:

mongosh "mongodb://" --username m001-student

but I got this response back:

Current sessionID: b35d7728b64c5619a480c2b2
Enter password: m001-mongodb-basics
Connecting to: mongodb://
MongoServerSelectionError: connection <monitor> to closed

Any ideas on how to make this work? Thank you so much.

The mongo shell, the command mongo and the new mongosh are not the same product. This course is geared toward mongo. You will not be able to follow the course with mongosh. The course is using an IDE integrated into the web browser. You have nothing to install.

That’s great to know. Thank you.

Hi @_N_A4,

I hope you found @steevej-1495’s response helpful.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

~ Shubham

Where is the link for the integrated IDE in the web browser to connect to Atlas cluster

Make sure that the IP Address is i.e. access from anywhere. Because that will also give a connection error.

Hi @Biplab_Dash,

Please take a look at this post.

Let us know if you have any other doubts.