Can't create covered query with nulls

Why does MongoDB (version 4.2.8) handle queries with and without null differently?


     {c:"a", },
     {c:"a", },
     {c:"a", n:null},
    {c:"a", n:1},
    {c:"a", n:10},
    {c:"a", n:5},
    {c:"a", n:1},
    {c:"a", n:12},
    {c:"b", n:12},
db.b.createIndex({"n": 1, "c": 1});

Then if I call

db.b.find({c: "a", n: {$in:[10, 12]}}, {_id: 0, n:1,c:1}).explain("allPlansExecution")   

the query is fully covered. But, the query

db.b.find({c: "a", n: {$in:[null, 12]}}, {_id: 0, n:1,c:1}).explain("allPlansExecution")   

isn’t covered, and MongoDB fetches all found documents.

It looks like a bug in MongoDB.

Hi @_Voronenkov,

Welcome to MongoDB community!

This is not a bug, covered queries are not performed for null predict values:

So it is working as designed.


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