404 (request "GROUP_NOT_FOUND") No group with ID exists

I am using Terraform for the mongoatlas cluster provisioning. I am getting following error:
404 (request “GROUP_NOT_FOUND”) No group with ID xxxxxxx exists. From UI, I can easily create a project, but Terraform provider mongodb/mongodbatlas is not accepting anything in project_id. Any suggestions?

Hi @Surender_Rathore, welcome to the forums!

I’m afraid this question is not something covered in the current version of the M312 course. I would suggest moving this question to the “Ops and Admin” section as this will allow the community and particularly those with Terraform to see and help you with this issue.

Kindest regards,

Hi @Surender_Rathore,

404 (request “GROUP_NOT_FOUND”) No group with ID xxxxxxx exists

Is this the exact error you are getting? If so, xxxxxxx is not a valid project ID. You can head over to your Project Settings page to locate the Project ID.

Can you also share the mongodbatlas_cluster resource block in the terraform configuration file you’re using which generates the error you sent? Please redact any personal or sensitive information before sending it across here.

Kind Regards,

Happened to me because my session timed out and I tried to create again. And I couldn’t resolve the error.
Alternative way to Deploy:
Deploy it in the graphical interface (https://cloud.mongodb.com/) and then go back to the terminal (https://ti.instruqt.com/) and connect to the cluster via ssh:

mongosh “mongodb+srv://clusterXXX.YYYY.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase” --apiVersion 1 --username